Tuesday 11 June 2013

Playstation 4 Revealed!

Revealed at the crack of dawn for UK viewers, we have the brand new images of the new Playstation 4. Sony entertainment was on bad ground from their earlier conference for the release of its controller, but its safe to say that since the almighty screw ups that Microsoft has done over the past few months, that we shall be seeing increased sales in PS4. Sony tore into Microsoft throughout their show and made it very clear that they are still in the gaming industry rather the TV and films.

I'm not sure what is really going on with the stylists at this moment in time. Everything seems to be going square or box like, which isn't very attractive but Sony have made this work out. Its contrasting plastics and use of lighting helps to define the areas but to also give it that futuristic look, rather than its George Foreman grill called PS3. But this isn't its final form, down below is a different angle which shows that the box has a slant to it which makes it look like a sharpened blade, which is pretty badass!

This complete event was a bust for Xbox, but Playstation pulled it out of the bag. For the full round up of detailing, go to: http://uk.gamespot.com/e3/press-conference/

For a short round up of Sony using Microsoft as a chew toy, go to: http://uk.gamespot.com/e3/ps4-e3-2013-unveiling-trollface-edition-6409752/

 A quick round up:
  • Used games work on the console without charge.
  • No need to be online
  • Its cheaper than the Xbox at £349
  • Come with Playstation Move (Which doesn't take spy on you) 

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