Thursday, 3 November 2016

TV Review: Westworld - Series One Episode Five "Contrapasso" SPOILERS

"Your Humanity Is Cost Effective, So Is Your Suffering..."

If one issue bears similarities between both Westworld and Game of Thrones, it's the notion that during the halfway mark, both shows tend to rely more on filler than that of actual substance. With last week's episode this was inherently obvious yet this week, Westworld gave us some much needed plot development resulting in answers to at least some of the questions that have been brought up since the shows' inception. Most interestingly this week, with Delores now indeed becoming more and more aware of her artificial existence in the park, alongside William and Logan, the trio ventured into the town of Pariah, perhaps the most Game of Thrones influenced setting yet with mass orgy's and enough on-screen genital flashing to fill HBO's quota for at least another year or two. Within the town however, Logan paid the price for delving deep into character whilst William helped unleash the freedom within Delores who stated she no longer wanted to play the "damsel in distress". Interestingly, in an alternate time structure, Delores delved deep into the secrets of Arnold, the mysterious co-creator of Westworld, who tells Ford of Arnold's wishes regarding the entire destruction of the park before his untimely death.

With Delores obviously set to be the host front and centre in the inevitable AI uprising, the middling plot-lines of the Man in Black's search for the maze as well as the discovery of a satellite within the broken body of the stray from a couple of episodes back all seem rather strange and stuffy. Of course, one does hope these plot lines all come together come the end of the series yet with five episodes left, the need for more answers becomes stronger by the week. One question hanging over the entirety of Westworld is "how long can this show actually last?". Will it be just a one-off Game of Thrones filler or a long-lasting serial? Who knows, yet the endgame still isn't comfortably in sight and although constantly hitting the audiences with AI-inflicted visions is one way of attempting to say, "hey, something is going to happen here," after a while, they do become rather tedious. Take Delores' shooting skills at the end of the episode for example; we all know her capability to kill even though it is against her coding yet why was it shown as if it was such a huge surprise? No idea. The fact that one can delve as deep as this into just one episode of a show does in some way show the annoyingly addictive nature of Westworld, a show which continues to ask questions without giving away too many answers in return. 

Overall Score: 8/10

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