Saturday, 7 March 2015

NEWS - Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Returning to Next-gen consoles?

Everyone and their aunt has heard of Call of Duty, more specifically the acronym MW2, fondly remembered by many, myself included (I cut my teeth on it when I first got an Xbox 360). Since then, the community has become worn and tired of iterations that decided to destroy something that was almost perfect. So much so that one man has taken it upon himself to petition the devs for a next-gen recreation. Upon signing, the petition was at 300 signatures in about 20 minutes after The Lad Bible were asked to share the post, the petition has reached a whopping 6000.

With popular games moving towards next-gen re-releases, the opportunity to milk the cow even more is a no brainer for a company that is well known for squeezing the audience as much as possible.

If you would like to show your support, click HERE.

Source - The Lad Bible

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